February Outdoor Report

Feb 27th 2025

February Outdoor Report

Westy here at Yeager’s talking about trucks.  If you live near I5 you’ve probably heard a lot of extra truck traffic lately.  Well, I’ll tell you where those truck are going.  They’re headed for Yeager’s loading dock with tons of fishing gear for your spring seasons that are just around the corner.

First up is Kokanee fishing in Lake Samish and we are just about ready.  We have so far received Mack’s Sling Blade Dodgers, Fast Limit Dodgers, Dick Nite Dodgers, and those very-important snubbers.

We have lots of small hoochies and Mack’s Wedding Ring spinners with more due any day. We have fire corn and fake maggots to go with them.

Our first batch of Okuma Kokanee rods are here with more on the way from other manufacturers, including Master rods and combos that have just arrived, and we just got in a load of Plano Tackle Boxes.

All we need is a couple of sunny days and the bite will be on at Lake Samish.

For you Bass guys, the season is on for you in Lakes Samish, Wiser, Terrel, Tenant, and Fazon.  One of our pros has already fished in one tournament and done pretty well.

Those lakes are open year around and you can keep any species you catch there.  Last spring people fishing for Crappie at Fazon, couldn’t keep fat trout from grabbing their gear and it’ll probably be the same this year.

Trout from these Bass lakes can be real fighters as they have survived life in a lake full of predators. You know how it works; big fish eat little fish unless the little fish are faster.

Anyway, the cold weather is over so come on in and get outfitted and just go fishing.  However, a Stanley vacuum bottle full of hot coffee or hot chocolate might be nice addition to your outfit.